Friday, April 24, 2009

Goodbye Poland... I'll miss you!!

As excited as I am to go to Switzerland, I am also really sad to be leaving poland. The homesickness which I felt when I first arrived is long gone, and now I really feel at home here.

I leave to go to Switzerland tomorrow afternoon. I am catching a bus which will be going through Czech, Germany & France, and arriving in Geneva midday sunday. So a pretty long journey but without doubt it will be the most interesting and beautiful bus ride I've ever had!

I will be living with a family who have a 4 year old daughter. Basically my job will be spending the day with the little girl while her parents are at work. I have been told by her mother that she loves the water, and that she will be dragging me there everyday. Sounds like a pretty good job to me!
The town where they live is bordering onto France, so I will be experiencing a lot of the french culture as well as the swiss. In fact, the main language they speak in that town is french.

Words cannot describe how excited I am!

As most of my friends know, I have not had a mobile phone for 7 MONTHS!!! Yes, how on earth did I survive without a phone? Thats the question I got many times. But I did survive, so it can be done!

Well today I finally bought myself a phone. Its a pink samsung. Its prettyyyy! Pink camera, pink ipod.. now a pink phone!

My last day in poland was spent with my grandparents. We had a really nice bbq. Spring in europe is just so beautiful I cannot describe it, and photos really don't do it justice.

Let me know what you think.. do you prefer this over the spring back in australia?

Monday, April 20, 2009

Exciting News!

What a very exciting day I had today!

First of all, my ASOS order arrived, and I absolutely LOVE everything that I bought. The swimsuit which I posted in a few posts below is just gorgeous, so much prettier in real life and I cannot wait to wear it!

Diamondsinchampagne, you asked about the lace dress, well it fits perfectly and it is very flattering. I love it! You should buy it too :)

Secondly, I can proudly say that I got a job today! And not just any job. I got a job working as an au pair in Switzerland. For those who don't know, an au pair is someone who is hired by a family to look after their children and help out around the house. So kind of like a nanny, but without any qualifications. Au pairs also live with the family, eat with them, and travel with them. Basically, they are treated as part of the family.

I cannot describe how excited I am, this will be such an experience and I cannot wait to see beautiful Switzerland!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all had a lovely one just like I did.
I spent my easter with family, absolutely stuffing ourselves with good food! I seriously have to starve myself for a week after this weekends efforts!
I baked a cake, here's a pic;

Bottom was a chocolate sponge, then a layer of sugared coconut, next grated apple, then a vanilla sponge, and on top of that an icing made out of melted halva which I love. It was really yummy :) and apart from this cake we made 6 other cakes for easter! So you can imagine how much I've been eating.

Over the easter weekend I had my 2 gorgeous cousins over. The youngest, Gabriella, who is 3, is so cute, and all she wanted to do all weekend was play princess's with me.

Here are a few things I bought from over the weekend. The swimsuit will be motivation for me to get into shape!

I will most likely go back to job hunting this week. Like I said to a friend earlier, I wish the job would just come find me...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Goodbye long hair!

Yes, that's right, my hair is now short. Very short.

Today I took out my extensions. I really didn't want to, but I had just had enough of them. They became so knotted and when I brushed them after I washed my hair I would literally be pulling out huge chunks of hair! And not only then, but bits of hair would be constantly falling out everywhere and I just had enough.

I loved having longer hair and now I feel so bald :(

I know that as soon as I get a job I will be running to find a hair extensions place around here. Or maybe I should keep my hair short, but go blonde? After all, that is my natural colour.

What do you think?

For months now I have been loving the spring/summer 09 Balmain collection. In particular, I am in love with the jacket below, but really, at a $16,500 price tag, who could afford that?! But I love it SO much, I have been looking for a cheap copy but no luck.

Do you know where I could find a copy? I would love you forever.